They provide good protection to your computer. If you cannot afford for buying a antivirus then use free version provided by Avast or AVG or Avira. Please don't use pirated versions of antivirus software's. So, you can use them for systems with low RAM i.e., computers below 4.00 GB RAM it is advisable to antivirus software's like Norton, Avast and G-data and computers above 4.00 GB RAM can use antivirus software's like Bitdefender and Kaspersky to protect their system from virus. Norton, Avast and G-Data doesn't slow down your computer they have very less impact on your system performance. They impact your system performance and slows it down. If you have low random access memory(RAM) then don't use this Bitdefender and Kaspersky antivirus. In order to prevent these folders from infecting use any of the following good antivirus software's:īitdefender and Kaspersky are the highly ranked antivirus software's at present based on protection but they slow your computer. But doing like that may corrupt some of files in your hard disk. If you want to delete them boot into safe mode there you can delete them.

Note: As these folders contain system operating files You can't delete them directly. After checking you can just make them invisible by checking the option " Hide protected operating system files(Recommended)" in Control Panel>Folder Options>View as shown in the above pictures.